Tuesday 10 July 2018

Cultural Diversity Day

On Monday 9th July, the whole school celebrated Cultural Diversity Day. This was an opportunity for pupils to celebrate different countries and cultures around the world and share their knowledge and understanding with each other.

In the morning, each class completed a Maths investigation based on the Indian folktale 'One Grain of Rice.' 

This was a story based about a greedy raja who keeps all the rice for himself until one day, a smart village girl is rewarded for her honesty. She decided that for thirty days, the raja must double the amount of rice that she got the day before. Therefore, for day 1 she received 1 grain of rice, day 2 she received 2 grains of rice, day 3 she received 4 grains of rice and so forth.

I think it is fair to say that each class were pretty amazed at how many grains of rice she received in total after thirty days...over 1 billion!

After break, each class created something based on the culture that they had already researched. We had classes using modroc, pastels, watercolours, pasta, pipe-cleaners and PowerPoint to name but a few!

Can you identify which country is shown in each photo?

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Saltmine Theatre Company

Today we enjoyed a visited from the Saltmine Theatre Company. Their play, Secret Angels, told the big story of the Bible and fitted in well with our RE lessons this half term.

Year 5 and the Cunningham Sharing Stories Group

This afternoon, Year 5 were lucky enough to have visitors from the Cunningham Sharing Stories group.  This continued a community link made last year, when local groups came together to create a time capsule to be opened in July 2047.  Today was a chance for the children to share some videos that they had made about their vision of the future, but also hear some stories about the Cunningham area of the past.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Christmas is coming to Year 5.

Year 5 have been using homework activities to demonstrate their resourceful creativity with some wonderful Christmas decorations to brighten up our classrooms. 

Friday 17 November 2017

All Different - All Equal. Anti-Bullying Week.

This week has been Anti-Bullying week.  The children have all had assemblies and lessons on how we are all different, but we are all equal.  We have been encouraging children to reflect on their strengths, and to recognise the strengths of others.  We hope this will continue through the year and allow children to build more positive relationships with their peers following the school motto,  'Do As You Would Be Done By'.

Attached below is the link to the website that much of the material from the week is from.  We feel this may be worth looking at again with parents.

Anti-Bullying Alliance

We have also been looking at resilience and that how, if we believe in ourselves, it can help us stand up for ourselves against others. Please click on the link below.

How To Stop A Bully

Please do speak to your class teacher if you have any worries or concerns on this matter, or put a note in your class worry box.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Visit from Camilla

Year 5 and 6 had the privilege of a visit from Camilla Chester, a local author, at school today.   Camilla, who has written a number of books, talked to the children about what inspired her and how she came up with her story ideas.