Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Christmas is coming to Year 5.

Year 5 have been using homework activities to demonstrate their resourceful creativity with some wonderful Christmas decorations to brighten up our classrooms. 

Friday, 17 November 2017

All Different - All Equal. Anti-Bullying Week.

This week has been Anti-Bullying week.  The children have all had assemblies and lessons on how we are all different, but we are all equal.  We have been encouraging children to reflect on their strengths, and to recognise the strengths of others.  We hope this will continue through the year and allow children to build more positive relationships with their peers following the school motto,  'Do As You Would Be Done By'.

Attached below is the link to the website that much of the material from the week is from.  We feel this may be worth looking at again with parents.

Anti-Bullying Alliance

We have also been looking at resilience and that how, if we believe in ourselves, it can help us stand up for ourselves against others. Please click on the link below.

How To Stop A Bully

Please do speak to your class teacher if you have any worries or concerns on this matter, or put a note in your class worry box.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Visit from Camilla

Year 5 and 6 had the privilege of a visit from Camilla Chester, a local author, at school today.   Camilla, who has written a number of books, talked to the children about what inspired her and how she came up with her story ideas.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Heroes Day

Here are some of Year 5 performing their songs about heroes in St Albans Market Place, with Suzie Shrubb. They were performing with the U3A choir, as part of the St Albans Organ Fringe Festival.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Year 5 songwriting project

Year 5 have been writing a song about heroes which they will perform in St Albans town centre this weekend, along with members of the University of the Third Age choir.  Here they are rehearsing this week.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Class 4 Teaching Lessons

As part of our PSHE lessons each member of Class 4 chose a skill they could teach another member of the class, skills included football tricks, dressmaking, magic tricks and basic Welsh. They planned a lesson, including a learning objective, medals and success criteria. They then taught each other their skill and reflected upon what makes a good learner and how successful their lesson had been . The children had great fun teaching and learning together!